🇧🇼 ǃXóõ

The likelihood of you speaking ǃXóõ is so low that one cannot but wonder why you clicked on this link. Not more than 2500 people speak the language and most of them live in rural Botswana, most likely without access to internet. Or icy winter. So stop kidding us and leave. We do not like you either! 

For the rest of you, we only add that ǃXóõ is known for the highest frequency of clicking sounds and we like clicking. And double clicking. Among the approximately 4.2 billion web pages on the www, how many do actually have even a pretended translation to ǃXóõ? We do! We are the only truly international site there is!

Je krajně nepravděpodobné, že umíš ǃXóõ, takže sem nemáš co klikat. Hezky si zůstaň na české verzi, šup, šup.

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